
John Marmysz holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from State University of New York at Buffalo. His primary research interests focus on the issue of nihilism and its cultural manifestations.

Marmysz is the author of The Nihilist’s Notebook (Moralinefree Publishing, 1996), Laughing at Nothing: Humor as a Response to Nihilism (SUNY Press, 2003), The Path of Philosophy: Truth, Wonder and Distress (Wadsworth, 2011), The Nihilist: A Philosophical Novel (No Frills Buffalo, 2015) and Cinematic Nihilism: Encounters, Confrontations, Overcomings (Edinburgh University Press, 2017). He is coeditor (with Scott Lukas) of Fear, Cultural Anxiety and Transformation: Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy Films Remade (Lexington Books, 2009).

“Writing about and researching the topic of nihilism helps me to remember how meaningless life really is. Running, motorcycling and listening to punk rock music helps me to forget,” says Marmysz.

Marmysz is the recipient a SUNY Chancellor’s Award For Excellence in Scholarship and Creativity and served as an NEH fellow. He teaches philosophy at the College of Marin in Kentfield, CA.

13 thoughts on “About

  1. Happened upon your blog when searching Cinema Technique… Just after finishing The Reprieve, I started it and then put it down be ause it boggled the brain. Came back to it just recently and finished it and loved it. I can’t leave a trilogy unfinished.
    I like your blog and shall return.

  2. very interesting blog. congratulations. Why don’t you mention Cioran? isn’t his “passive nihilism” a kind of “wisdom” ?

    • I’m glad you like the blog!

      Cioran is someone that I very much admire, but I haven’t written much about him. I agree with you that his passive, despairing form of nihilism has much to teach us. Most authors seem more concerned with nihilism’s active overcoming than Cioran, who gives voice to a deep, yet sometimes quite humorous, passivity in the face of the void.

      You’ve inspired me to go back and read him again. Perhaps I’ll make a posting about him in the near future.

  3. I have recently come across your body of work and as an aspiring writer and philosopher I have found your thoughts and views both refreshing and enlightening. I look forward to consuming your blog and the rest of your work. Hopefully one day I can write you again as a colleague. Lastly thanks for following my own blog, if you ever get a chance to look it over I would be honored.

    • Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy the blog. I’ve already read some of the material on your blog, and I suspect that we share some similar views (along with a sense of humor). I look forward to reading more!

  4. I’m writing my philosophy dissertation on how the horror genre of film’s nihilism relates to the crisis of nihilism, just wanted to comment and say cinematic nihilism and this blog have been v helpful! Thank you!

    • Thanks! I’m glad you like the blog, and I’m really happy that you found Cinematic Nihilism helpful. Good luck on your dissertation. It’s a great topic, and I’d love to read it!

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