Seth’s Party

Factsheet Five was a long running fanzine that reviewed other fanzines. Throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s, before the internet destroyed everything, it was a tremendous resource for those of us involved in underground publishing. In its pages one could discover a vast world of bizarre, off-kilter publications (such as Sittin’ on a Powerdkeg and Givin’ Off Sparks, Baby Sue, and Radical Pizza) and make contact with their creators.

My own fanzine, Twilight of the Idols, was twice named Factsheet Five’s Editor’s Choice by R. Seth Friedman, a really nice guy who threw great parties and organized some ambitious meetings between Bay Area zinesters. In 1997, Seth went on to edit a book of selections from his favorite underground publications titled The Factsheet Five Zine Reader .

I was going through some old papers and found this comic – the only one for which I have ever been paid – that was published in a 1994 issue of Factsheet Five.

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